Skip it
JoinedTopics Started by Skip it
This is my story
by SAHARA insorry about the mishap on my previous post.
anyway i've been a member on this board for quite a while but mostly just lerking.
i've given just a tease about what my deal is on a previous post but this will be a little more in depth.
by elder-schmelder in
is this a literal price or a figurative price?.
Italy Earthquake
by elder-schmelder inhas anyone heard the rumor of jw's being told to sleep in their cars before the earthquake happend?.
Is being a JW like being a drug addict?
by mkr32208 inok so once again i was thinking (damn i know i should stop doing that!
) and this is what i was thinking about!.
the jw religion is very much like a drug.
I need proof for my wife that NW Translation is not correct
by Albert Einstein inwhat scriptures would you reccomend, to prove nwt is not reliable?.
please help, i need a reason for my wife to start reading other translation.
i want to start chronological reading of nt with her, to show her wtbs is not a mediator for us.. thanks.
Advice Please!!!!
by nevergonnab1 ini'm new here so i'll give a little background first.. i've never been a witness and i'll never be one.
my husband is but he hasn't been to any functions in about 15 years, i guess if he did start attending again he would be df'd because he impregnated a "worldly" girl (me) out of wedlock and then married a "worldly" girl (me again).. i need advice because his family relentlessly asks my children to attend and bribes them with very extravagant gifts.
i won't allow them to go so they stay pissed at me because they don't get the gifts.
Surrounded 24/7
by Skip it ini was not associated with this "organization" until the age of about 19 when i was dating my current wife.
she was df'ed for the 1st couple of a years that we were together and thats when my intense resentment started.
i gave in to her bs after hearing the overwhelming fear from her about the generation that was about to end and how she had to get reinstated because she is just the happiest person when she's a witness.
Top 10 Memorial Excuses
by rebel8 ingood excuses.
(highly contagious, and you aren't supposed to touch other people's dishes and glasses.)tuberculosis.